Reading Progress:

A rapid-fire Q&A with Abi Daré

executed by Bookish Babe

In 2020 Abi Daré roared onto the literary scene with her debut novel, The Girl with the Louding Voice. It’s the inspiring, hopeful story of a teenage girl growing up in a poor Nigerian village who dares to ask more of life. Above all, she desires an education so that she can speak her truth. A stratospherically successful novel, it is no overstatement to say that this novel changed the conversation in publishing—quite literally as the novel is written in pidgin, the unofficial language of the country. Our protagonist’s spirited, powerful voice teaches us so much as we walk in her shoes, from the continued sexual subjugation of girls and women around the world, to the conquering power of sheer self-belief in the face of unimaginable adversity. In her latest conversation with one of her favourite authors, leading literary critic and book influencer Hena J. Bryan (some know her as Bookish Babe) asks the questions we’ve all been wanting answered.

It’s been a while and we are waiting for you to quench our thirst. When can we expect your second?

As soon as it’s ready. Writing a book takes time (my debut certainly took me a few years). I’d hate to rush and release a book I’m not happy with.

Adunni is a perfect protagonist, ever hopeful and positive. How did you make her likeable?

It took several rewrites for her to become likeable, but creating a character who is able to ride on her resilience and optimism with humour requires writing her in her worst form first, and then tweaking to find a balance and show her best. In fact, the ending was completely different to begin with!

There isn’t a single decent man in this novel (bar Kofi). What inspired your male characters? 

The patriarchy. I wanted the men to reflect the privileges men have and abuse, and how women can sometimes be gatekeepers in this hierarchy.

Your background is very different to your protagonist’s. How did you accurately narrate the experiences of so many Nigerians?

My memories of Lagos, conversations with ordinary people. Mainly research. 

Are you facing any obstacles in writing your second book?

I am so grateful for the success of The Girl with the Louding Voice, but that success comes with second guessing yourself. People are constantly telling me that the novel moved them and impacted their lives in great ways, motivating them to chase their dreams or keep pushing through strife. The ability to override doubt and write from the heart can pose a great challenge when writing a second book.

What is your top tip for writers?

Stay true to yourself. Tell the story you’re passionate about. Don’t give up. Invest time, talent, and education into your writing. Many agents rejected my novel because they found the language unreadable.

What is your top tip for writers who want to write about the continent?

Avoid stereotypes. Write true stories reflecting the beauty and pain of the continent. Watch videos and documentaries. Conduct research by speaking with the people, both those who live there and those who visit. Visitors often pick up on things permanent residents no longer notice.

What else would you like to share with us before we go?

I have a burning desire to help aspiring authors and would like to launch a service to help them. Like Adunni, I want to use my success to help my fellow writers achieve their dreams.

Which book do you wish you had written?

The Girl with the Louding Voice.

Share something about yourself that will surprise.

I haven’t watched a complete TV series in years! I find it all terribly difficult to sit through.

Let’s say they’re going to make a film of the novel. Who would you cast?

Whoever’s the most passionate and able to bring the characters to life.

ABI DARÉ is the author of The Girl with the Louding Voice, which was a New York Times bestseller. Abi lives in Essex, UK with her husband and two daughters, who inspired her to write her debut novel. Find her on Twitter @abidare_author.

HENA J. BRYAN is a literary critic and book influencer. Previously working in the publishing industry, she is the recipient of several industry awards and the founder of BHP (Bryan House Publishing) which specialises in children’s books. Find her on Instagram @henajbryan.